Dear Friends-
We are open for business! It’s been a long three months! Upon recommendations of the CDC and local government, we’ve made some changes to be COVID-19 compliant and ensure the safety and well-being of our gym family. We realize that not all of you are ready to return to the gym, and we respect that. For those of you that are, here are a few things we’re changing to make your training experience safe and effective.
If you feel more comfortable wearing a mask, feel free to do so. However, It’s not necessary due to the new configuration of our training space.
Social Distancing:
If not wearing a mask, it is required that members be 12 feet apart. This will limit classes to three students at a time inside the studio. Class registration will still be available via MindBody, but class size will be capped at 3 and will be 50 minutes to allow for contact-free transitions and sanitation of equipment by staff. The volume of training and effectiveness will not be affected, but you may sweat a little more during your session. J We have also made the outside space ready to accommodate members in the event we have a private session running concurrently with a class.
Sanitization Procedures:
· We have purchased two high efficiency hepa air filters which remove allergens as well as viral particles from the air.
· All equipment and surfaces will be sanitized after each class or session. Bathrooms will be cleaned daily. Hand sanitizer will be available.
· The gym floor will be divided into three designated training spaces with 12 feet between them to ensure safety. There will be no sharing of equipment.
· We have purchased a portable air conditioning unit to keep our space comfortable during the summer months and will be leaving the doors closed so the air filters can do their job.
· Ole Soccer has purchased two disinfecting foggers specially designed to decontaminate large facilities and will be sanitizing our facility on a regular basis.
· You are welcome to use one of our towels when you train, but please take them home and wash. You may keep the towel and bring it with you each time you train. If preferred, you can bring your own towel from home.
· We will be issuing personal chalk bags to each member to minimize exposure of possible contaminants.
· We’ve been told that Ole will be relatively quiet this summer as most soccer activities will be outside. As a result, the facility will be relatively quiet.
· The State has issued digital temperature scanners that George and I will use to ensure the highest level of safety for all of our members and staff. Upon entering the studio, you will get a temperature check and be asked to use hand sanitizer before you train.
Your Responsibilities:
If you aren’t feeling 100%, STAY HOME! PLEASE WASH YOUR HANDS WITH WARM SOAPY WATER BEFORE YOU COME TO THE GYM. If you have allergies, please take your meds. We’re all in this together, and need to be hyper-vigilant. Little things we can do to minimize transmission, like sneezing in your towel or your elbow, instead of your hand, washing your hands frequently, and bringing your own water bottle can make a big difference in protecting each other from colds or viruses.
If you’re not comfortable coming to the gym and would like to train via FaceTime or Zoom, we are happy to help make that happen. Several of our members have been training remotely during the past three months with great success. Our goal is to w
ork with you to learn and develop a plan that meets your personal needs in terms of health, safety, and fitness. As a small gym, we can make it happen.
What We Need From You:
We are very interested in your feedback and need to know where you stand as we go forward so we can adjust our business model if needed and make sure we are delivering quality, relevant training to all of you.
Are you ready to come back and resume your normal training protocol? Not sure? Do you want to discuss a combination of in studio/remote training? Would you prefer to continue with your remote training? Still have safety concerns we haven’t addressed? ANY questions?
Please respond via email ( or give us a call at 630.336.6751 (Kathleen’s cell). We value and look forward to your feedback and input.